Branding, Packaging - Labeling, PrintFrontera
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The developed proposal for the new image of FRONTERA wine was a clearer, minimalist and modern concept image to seduce the target of the young consumer and consolidate those of 45+. FRONTERA wine is a brand already identified and positioned, so instead of giving a 360 degree turn, I propose to strength the already established brand illustration with a nice and elegant touch of art drawing, emphasizing the Chilean alps fused with the elegant lines of cerro milagro created by a splash of wine lines.

The result is a label printed in a metal foil paper. To the lid I added the same art drawing to give strength and balance to the visual. In the same way, for the logo, I propose a mixture of altered Sans fonts to create a unique typeface. Achieving a fresh and youthful result. The compass is cleaner and within the letter O of the wording FRONTERA which will be the same color of the variant of the product.